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Welcome to the Sporting Clays Association of North Carolina!

SCANC Receives 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption


We’re pleased to announce that SCANC received its formal IRS determination letter on October 10, 2024, confirming that we are exempt from federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(3), and confirmation that we’re considered a Public Charity under IRC Section 509(a)(2). We pursued this designation with an application filed with the IRS on February 26, 2024, which is the effective date of our exemption. We did this because donors and sponsors have indicated a greater willingness to support our non-profit mission as the central body to foster, coordinate, supervise, and promote Amateur Sporting Clays Shooting in North Carolina for our approximately 1,180 NSCA members if we had such designation.


Practically this means that donors/sponsors can deduct contributions they make to SCANC, and that we can receive tax-deductible bequests, transfers, and similar gifts. Such gifts can be designated to (1) the Larry Corbett Memorial Scholarship Fund, which has begun over the past couple of years making scholarship awards to deserving North Carolina youth shooters to pursue educational opportunities post-high school, or (2) to support SCANC general efforts to encourage youth participation in Sporting Clays Shooting in North Carolina, and finally (3) to enhance our shooting events in NC, especially our annual NC State Championship Shoot.


If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution to SCANC, please send a check to our Treasurer as follows:

Steve Moore
Treasurer, SCANC
205 Devonhall Lane
Cary, NC 28518


Please designate your gift to one of the 3 areas noted above by writing in the memo line of your check either: (1) Larry Corbett Memorial Scholarship Fund; (2) Youth Shooting support; or (3) Shoot Enhancement. Make sure your address is on your check so we can provide you a gift acknowledgment for tax reporting purposes.

Find the 2025 Schedule here!

                      © Sporting Clays Association of North Carolina         Email:          Telephone: (336)303-0510

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